In 2018 there appears to be as many Indian wedding planners available as there are stars in the sky. Sorting through all of them can be a monumental challenge, and mistakes will be made. It is our mission at to help you find the best services provider that can guide you through the entire process from selecting the perfect Indian wedding venue to choosing the best wedding photographer around.

Here are five signs that we have noticed repeatedly crops up whenever a subpar Indian wedding planner is chosen.

No References

What do inexperienced planners and bad planners have in common? No references or referrals. If the prospective wedding planner does not have a list of happy clients to share, then it is best to look elsewhere. However, remember to return the favor when you do select your own Indian wedding planner. Make yourself available as a reference later on and referral potential clients to your wedding planner.

No Sample Pictures/Videos

You should be able to see the final result of any wedding arranged by the planner before committing yourself. Ask for pictures or videos to see how everything came together. Was the bride beautiful? The reception hall impeccable designed? Or was there an upset crowd chasing the wedding planner down the street?

A single digital record can help you discover the perfect wedding planner – or avoid a potential nightmare.

Shows Up Late

Your wedding is the most important event of your life – make certain that those responsible for helping you plan it treat it as such. A competent wedding planner will show up for every meeting on time, prepared.

Now, this doesn’t mean that life (or worse – traffic) doesn’t happen. It just means that if your wedding planner is consistently late to scheduled meetings then it is time to consider finding another to take over planning your wedding.

Quote Well Above Market Expectations

Always take the time to study what the market rate is for services/products you wish to obtain – regardless if it is a salad or a wedding reception hall.

Having an idea as to what something should cost can help protect yourself from situations in which your wedding budget is completely torn asunder by someone not keeping your best interests in mind. An increasingly common practice is to perform quick checks by calling the destination or vendor directly and confirming the figures.

If they match up, then you should either talk about finding a substitute. However, if there is a marked discrepancy then it is time to find another wedding planner.

Family Members are Vendors

Nepotism should be considered a major red flag, except in one instance. If you are having a location wedding in a small region with few people, then it stands to reason that some related things may be handled by close relatives.

However, if this isn’t the case then immediately stop and perform a closer check on both the wedding planner and the vendor. Trust but verified works in business, and planning your wedding should (in many regards) be considered a business deal.

Browse Our Online Guide Today

Now that you know what to look for when avoiding a bad wedding planner, take the time to discover the best vetted and then wedding planners available nationwide. At, we pride ourselves in offering the most comprehensive online Indian vendor guide available.

We go the distance needed to guarantee that your special day is not marred by the antics of an inexperienced wedding vendor. Our team carefully reviews every vendor that appears, ensuring that only the best Indian wedding planners are presented to you. Make finding everything from the perfect Indian wedding venue to discovering the finest photographers and makeup artist easy by visiting our online vendor guide today!

Wedding Tips