There are few things more worrisome than having to wait for a makeup artist to arrive the morning of your wedding ceremony. Making certain you look your best is essential for ensuring that the day goes off without a hitch. Here are some tips to help you determine which Indian bridal make up artist you should consider hiring your wedding.

Check for References

It is always essential that you check the references for any contractor, regardless of the industry. This is especially true for makeup artists. There are multiple forms of references you need to check, predominately among them licensing and for happy former clients.


This varies depending on the jurisdiction. Check to see if your city/state requires artists to be licensed. If not, see that they are bonded. By having either a license or a bond (ideally both,) the artist is proving that she focuses on a consistent quality in her work.

Former Happy Clients

See if the prospective makeup artist has a list of former clients you can reach out to. Just remember to pay this one forward - be willing to provide an honest recommendation for future soon-to-be brides.

See Their Portfolios

“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This sage saying has become the hallmark standard for discerning quality among contractors, especially when it comes to matters such as makeup. Collect a variety of portfolio samples from different Indian makeup artists and pass them around your friends and relatives.

See what they think, and make a decision based upon the general consensus. One major tip to help you narrow down the list of potential artists: speak with your wedding planner. Experienced wedding planners often have a list of preferred makeup artists on hand. This list can cut the searching time from weeks to days, eliminating a great deal of stress in the days leading up to your wedding.

Walk away if they do not have a portfolio to share. Not being able to share completed work is a sign of a poorly performing practice, or that of someone just starting out in the field. That is far from the sort you need to be at your side throughout your big day.

Ask for a “Trial”

This is best done after you have narrowed down the list of prospective makeup artists to just three or four. Ask them to provide your with a paid “trial” application. This will provide you with the vital information needed to make your decision. Is the makeup too heavy? Does the artist reject your requests? How is her “bedside manner” during the application?

All of this and more can be discovered with a simple thirty minute session. Take photos and share them with your friends and family members to make certain that everyone agrees with your decision. After all - making yourself look amazing is equally for their benefit as it is for yours. Make certain that everyone of note is amazed by getting their feedback in advance!

Discovering the perfect Indian bridal make up artist can appear to be a monumental headache. After all, beauty is ultimately in the eye of the beholder. As long as you remember to be objective about what you need, what is possible, and what you can afford, you will find the perfect bridal make up artist.

Take this time to have fun - after all, you will be finding the person that will make you look your best. Why not some have fun, and maybe find your favorite make up artist for future events, at the same time?

Wedding Tips