Good Morning Maharanis!  I hope you're ready to go on a trip... half-way across the world with me!  Pack your bags, because today we are going all the way to New Delhi, India!  Which reminds me...Here's a shout out to you Maharanis who were tweeting to us from India earlier this week!  As you know, the Maharani HQ is in San Francisco, but I promise, none of us will have to sit on a plane for 24 hours or wait hours for a connecting flight for this one.  One look at these gorgeous photos of Maharani Shradha and Pranav's Wedding by G+H Photography, and trust me: you'll be feeling all the authentic sounds, feelings and sights of our lovely bharat mahaan (Incredible India)!

Ahh... India.  Let's take a quick break to re-fill our chai, grab a few more Parle-G cookies, maybe make a quick aloo paratha... just don't forget to meet back here soon!

Photography: G&H Photo & Cinema