Hello, ladies! We are glad you could join us at Katherine & Davaish's wedding ceremony. This ceremony is going to take your breath away! When Katherine & Davaish decided they wanted to get married in India, they agreed that they wanted this event to be vibrant and colorful, yet they wanted to make it intimate and representative of their love story. In order to make that happen, they decided to bring Designer Events Inc on board, as the expertise they have in planning wedding events based on the couple's story and their lifestyles, is out of the question. After hearing a bit more about Katherine & Davaish's love story, and how much they enjoy traveling around the world, Designer Events Inc suggested the 100-year-old Hostie Lal Darwaza as the perfect venue to hold this intimate and memorable event. Once Katherine & Davaish noted that this historic venue symbolized a commitment that transcends beyond the measure of time and that this could be translating into their love, they were thrilled with the idea! And the final result: The vibrant and intimate wedding they've always imagined, came to life! After the solemn ceremony, the now newlyweds shared a lunch with the guests and had a great time while chatting and dancing. Once the lunch was over, Katherine & Davaish along with the guests released flying lanterns into the sky, which ended the wedding events and our trip into this beautiful and intimate love story. Although this journey is getting to an end, you can always get transported back into it by taking a look at the gallery that we have prepared for you thanks to the incredible shots captured by Mahima Bhatia Photography. You are going to love it!

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Thank you for joining us on this magical wedding trip! We hope to see you tomorrow for our next adventure! 

Ceremony Venue: Hostie Lal Darwaza | Planning & Design: Designer Events Inc | Floral & Decor: Designer Events Inc | Event Designer: Designer Events Inc | Catering: One Fine Meal | Photography: Mahima Bhatia Photography