Now in a shimmering hot pink lengha, Maharani Rachel is ready to celebrate at her incredible Indian wedding reception at Addison Park, which is decked out in pale yellow, sweet pink, and luminous violet thanks to Elite Events Management. These chandeliers are so decadent too! They seem to float from the ceiling like luxurious works of art. Also, I am a total fan of the delicate rose pinned into this bride's curls; it's just the right touch for her bridal hair and makeup! She and her Raja never stop smiling; and why would they? True love is the most exciting thing in the world! There is so much happiness here, I want to see even more images by  Damion Edwards Photography in the gallery!
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See you tomorrow with more glitz and glam!
Hair & Makeup: Studio Sush | Venues: Addison Park | Planning & Design: Elite Events Management | DJ: DJ USA | Catering: Bukhara Grill | Photography: Damion Edwards Photography