We are going to pause our Film-y Friday fun for a little Maharani announcment.
Anand and I are thrilled to annnounce that we are expecting our first baby in December!  We are completely over the moon!

I have always been excited to be a Mommy, but a little nervous to be pregnant. Morning sickness and expanding uncontrollably in all directions did not sound like my idea of a magical time. I would take shopping for a bridal lengha over maternity jeans hands down. I always thought that being engaged was the most fun time of my life, and I am thrilled to report I was totally wrong!!!
Being engaged was fantastic, and being a Maharani even better, but the only thing that edges out both of those experiences is expecting a baby.  You know the excitement in your BFF's eyes when you told her you were engaged and showed her your new sparkler?  Imagine getting that type of jumping up and down enthusiam from your dry cleaner, barista, and complete strangers you meet on the street!
So, a non-alcoholic cheers Maharanis....to life getting better and better and better!!!
And, I will keep you posted on whether the newest addition to team Maharani turns out to be pink or baby blue!