Helloooooo Maharanis!  I have a splendid Indian wedding to share with all of you today.  Shot by the fabulous team at Photographick Studios, this Virginia stunner had me at the first photograph.  From the lovely Maharani and her trademark mega-watt smile to the awesome red on ruby color palette this wedding will make your heart stop.  I simply can't decide what is my favorite part of her gorgeous Indian bridal style. Her jewelry is divine and her playful groom is like the ideal accessory! All topped with that perfect red lipstick and it is no wonder that I my head is spinning!

From our Maharani, Lisa :
We met at Kenny Singh's Halloween house party. We were both on the same team for flip-cup (greatest game ever) and he was yelling at me from the end of the line to "hurry up" because he is oh so competitive. Then of course he requested to add me on Facebook to which I DECLINED....twice. Then randomly we ran into each other at Guarapo's (our favorite spot) and he totally called me out and asked why I didn't add him. He declared his love outside of Chicha when we had our first kiss. Our first official date was at Busara and then 3rd Edition in Georgetown after dinner.  And then well....I finally did and here we are today.
Hold on to your seats Maharanis, we have a gorgeous day in store!  Back in a bit!