When I first received Bijal and Anandh’s wedding pictures, there was something that just stood out for me. It took me a couple hard looks to find it, but not to worry ladies, I did. In each photo, you will notice that Bijal and Anandh had a smile glowing so big, so wide, and so wonderful that nothing else could even come close to comparing. Whenever I see a couple like that, it gives me such a giddy feeling and makes me fall back in love with love itself. And to get those hearts fluttering even more, there are a couple photos where Anandh takes Bijal into his arms and showers her with a warm kiss, and in that one moment, we are allowed a rare opportunity to look into a very special kind of love. Doesn't it make your heart just swoon!?

Time for a quick break, but check back soon because we've got some "yummy" treats coming your way!