Happy Friday Maharanis!  We are starting out Film-y Friday with a fabulous  Indian wedding by Hakim Sons Films. Do you remember that AH-mazing San Francisco concept film that we featured a few months back?  Well, the highlight reel is finally done from this fall Indian wedding, and I must tell you the footage is dynamite.  There are so many idea wedding ideas jam packed in this video, I am going a little nuts.  The light up dance floor, the champagne toast, the INDOOR fireworks.  Yep, you heard me, indoor. Fireworks.  Okay, if you don’t believe me, take a look for yourself!


Wasn't that awesome?!  If you can't get enough of Hakim Sons' fabulous style, take a look at the couple's concept video that made it's debut on Film-y Friday back in January.  It's SO good, I can watch it over and over again.

More videos on the way...be right back!

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