Okay Maharanis! We are interrupting this beautiful Virginia Indian wedding for an all important contest announcement!
The only two diet tricks that I learned during my pre-wedding prep that I still hold onto two years later. Drink more water and cut out sugar & artificial sweeteners. These two little gems help me keep unnecessary pounds away and seem to be the only two that I can stick to in my {social} life. Well, this leaves my list of things to drink very short and boring, so I was thrilled when I found Hiball!
Hiball Sparkling Energy Water is the only energy drink in the world that doesn’t have sugar or sweeteners of any kind. They are all natural, have no carbs, and absolutely no preservatives. And, with only 10 calories per bottle, they are the perfect little pick up before your morning run or your evening yoga class.
So, we have teamed up with Hiball and one lucky Maharani is going to win a $300 gift certificate to Whole Foods! I mean, what could be more perfect that to stock your fridge with healthy, delicious foods, AND Hiball before your pre-wedding prep? All you have to do to enter to win is head over to the Maharani Weddings Facebook Page and upload a picture of your *sparkler* with a bottle of Hiball Sparkling Energy Water. And, leave a comment letting us know what you love about that flavor of Hiball.
The contest runs between now and April 29, 2011, and one lucky Maharani will be picked at random to win, so enter today!
Good luck Maharanis!
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