Hey Maharanis, I hope that you have on your waterproof mascara, because if you are a total wedding sap like me, you are definitely going to cry when you watch our next feature.  I am not going to spoil the surprise, but even if you don’t have time to take in the decadent 10ish minutes by Robles Video, you absolutely MUST watch the first 2. I am not going to spoil the surprise, so let’s get on with the show!

This perfectly edited masterpiece was shown a week later at the couple’s New York reception.  What makes this video so special is that Robles Video created it with the couple’s entire wedding celebration in mind.  They didn’t just hand them their “highlight package."  I love that.  A one of a kind highlight video, for a one of a kind couple, made for their one of a kind New York reception. Great job April and the whole team at Robles Video. Finale coming RIGHT up.  You won’t wanna miss this one!