I am thrilled to announce that we have a tie for our DIY Contest!  We got tons of really great entries in over the weekend, but there were two ideas that I just HAD to share with all of our readers.  They are insanely creative, and since I could not possibly choose a winner, I am going to leave it up to all of you!  

The first finalist is Agya and her DIY Indian Wedding Programs :

I am totally a DIY girl and love customizing everything to my own taste. I really wanted to do something different for my wedding programs; over the years I’ve noticed that a lot of people save wedding programs along with invitations, so I really wanted to do programs that reflected us as a couple. After much thought, I decided to create Vintage-style mini-Scrapbooks and use them as Wedding Programs. I used many different colors (but used some accents from by color theme to tie it together) – I thought it was more fun than sticking to a strict color palette.

DIY Indian wedding program 1