I have a list of obsessions…indian weddings, wedding dresses, bridal jewelry…these are just ones that you guys know about.  There is one obsession that my husband just called me out on the other night, and he was right on the money….tea parties.  Like any good Indian girl, I have a healthy infatuation with tea, and especially chai.  Every morning starts with a cup, and I don’t want to admit this but my most favorite thing that I registered for was my tea set.  Clearly, I am obsessed with tea parties.

So, while chatting with my darling friend, Sachi Sood, of Partyland Events, I admitted to her that I have been having this vision of an “Alice in Wonderland” inspired Indian wedding.  Sachi is a total rockstar when it comes to design, so like any great designer she jumped down the rabbit hole and went all in on the idea.  Take a look at what she came up with:

Alice in wonderland_inspiration_board_from_Partyland 
From Sachi, owner of Partyland : I strive to come up with new designs for each and everyone of my clients.  Everything we do at Partyland is custom, and as unique as the couple getting married. The day I can’t come up with something new and inventive is the day I retire, because then I wouldn’t be a very good designer anymore.

Isn’t this board awesome?  My mind goes 100 different directions when I look at it, and like any great inspiration board it gives you a fresh approach. Hopefully, I will have a chance to finally see Alice in Wonderland this weekend…and I am sure that you all know what scene I am most excited to see.  The tea party, of course!