We have the most charming feature for you today. So, do you remember the sweet love story we featured a while back of Amandeep and Supreet?  Well, Mili Gosh from Memories in Motion just sent me their entire complete wedding story and you guys are going to DIE when you see it.  True to Memories in Motion's style, it will warm your heart and make you a bit weepy. 


From Mili : Aman & Supreet apart from being clients are simply awesome to just hang with. From frequent shoots to hang outs, the transition was smooth. It never felt so much like work, as Aman continued to thrill all of us with his humor. Needless to say.. getting these two to act wasn't a lot of work & by the time we shot their wedding, they were so comfortable with the camera, they knew exactly what was expected of them. Most of all, I have to make a note about their dedication. From early rehearsals/meetings to the day of their wedding, never did they once complain about being tired, and we really had these two running around all over chicago, whether it be on top of container or climbing up a lamp post. :-) Sid & I are thrilled to have worked with these two, and each time we see this clip, I'm just admiring their chemistry- which really comes across when the salsa.

Big thanks to our Platinum Guide members, Memories in Motion for sharing their amazing work with us. 

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