We are back today with the finale of Sonal and Sunny’s wedding.  There are a ton of cute Indian Wedding ideas in this feature today! I am swooning over their guest book. The talented Suky Bains, out of Yuba City, CA used simple elements to make it look great.  This wedding is a great example of how beautiful a wedding can be without having a million flowers everywhere.

Day 2, 1 copy

Some planning tips from Sonal:  The one golden rule I have is that your parents should narrow down 2-3 vendors for each area and make sure they know that YOU are the final decision maker. Most of wedding vendors will try to deal directly with the to be bride & bridegroom, and appeal to them to choose the most expensive package. If you have parents footing the bill, I would insist that you get the best deal and at the same time the bride and groom’s approval so the vendor meets the couples needs.

Cake copyThe wedding took place at the Embassy Suites in Portland, OR, and this heavenly mehndi inspired Indian wedding cake was done by the Beaverton Bakery. Stay tuned for our final of this Indian wedding soiree!