I am jumping up and down with excitement about the photos from our next featured wedding!  This wedding is like a 24 item dessert buffet where every dessert makes you wanting another one. Since I can never choose only one dessert, I couldn't narrow down these gorgeous photos. So, we are going to be doing an extra special post series for this wedding. Check back with us every couple hours and there will be a new addition to this glorious affair!

Harlyn and Seenu had a colorful FIVE day celebration in Los Angeles.  This couple tied the knot twice in June – once with a South Indian ceremony and then again with a Sikh Indian ceremony.   The attention to detail and the use of material is amazing – this is one of those weddings that leave you breathless…

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I just L-O-V-E this brides sophisticated sense of style.  She pulls off looking chic AND elegant, without dressing like an old lady.  AND, I love that she choose two entirely different, yet traditional looks for her ceremonies.  I can't decide which one I like better, can you?  

Fun fact about this couple – their wedding announcement ran in the NY Times, which is more selective than the school both of these lovebirds attend – Harvard. Both ceremonies were held at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, CA.

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Stay tuned, more glorious pictures of this wedding on the way shortly!