"True love stories never end" is the theme of our next Film-y Friday feature today.  This romantic, wedding trailer by Memories in Motion made me burst into tears when I first saw it. Memories in Motion's signature style of touching personal moments combined with Hollywood caliber camera tricks will never cease to amazes me, but this time it went straight for my heart.  Our bride looks completely angelic, and is the epitome of a Maharani.  Take a look and you will also wish that this true love story, never ends...


From creative genius, Mili Gosh, at Memories in Motion :

We are very excited to share this trailer with everyone, especially since I had this theme/song picked up before we shot their wedding. There is quite a bit of meaning behind the lyrics in this song which made perfect sense to their life story, more so Neeta's life story. Without getting into it, I would like to say that I have never met a more independent, strong, successful, smart, beautiful girl like Neeta. Several of her friends & family made a note of this during their speeches at the reception. She inspires a lot of people and she certainly inspires me. Editing this piece was a bit emotional for me and watching Neeta walk down the aisle was not only an emotional moment for everyone there who knew her from childhood but for me as well. I especially love the scene when Neeta hands over her tissue to Roshan. Roshan loves to laugh and never would you think that he can be so sensitive. Roshan, you are the perfect choice for Neeta!

Our finale is on the way...and the winner of the Chris Schmitt Photography giveaway coming right up!