Get ready Maharanis because what we have here for you is a positively elegant and incredibly dazzling wedding reception captured so well by Turn Loose The Art Photography. With shimmering crystals dangling from the awesome decorations to the wonderfully lit backdrop on the stage, this is definitely an Indian wedding reception for the history books! But what makes it so memorable is our sweet lovey-dovey couple. Their glowing smiles, especially Sundeep's while watching his bride twirl in her reception outfit, gives me such a warm and fuzzy feeling and I wish I could have been at the reception to see all of this firsthand! And by the looks of it, Desi Fusion Productions definitely got the party going for Kelsey and Sundeep and their guests. Just look at how much fun they're having!

Congratulations to Kelsey and Sundeep on your beautiful wedding! Have a wonderful Wednesday night Maharanis and we'll see you back here tomorrow!