I must confess, I am a true wedding junkie. From the second the beautiful envelope hits my hot little hands, to the time that the bride takes her final promenade as a “Miss”- I am completely hooked. I embrace all traditions, customs, and weddings. I believe that highlighting the details is essential in showcasing the beauty of the bride and the meaning of the ceremony.
It wasn’t until I found my soul mate and began planning my own wedding, that I realized my slight obsession with South Asian weddings.
I started a wedding blog as side project/hobby to my career in Finance and the fact that it has taken over my professional life is still something that surprises me. I mean, can a job really be a job, when you are solely dedicated to finding beautiful inspiration for brides? Maharani proves – it really can.
Aside from my friends and family, the thing I love most in the world are South Asian weddings. Beyond the jewelry and food, there is one of the deepest connection of family and community that is almost unbelivable.
Every day I try to find the most unique, most different, and most beautiful weddings to show our readers. I am inspired daily by fabrics, scents, and sounds that will cause a spark of excitement at a South Asian wedding. I hope the many images on Maharani, bring a smile to your face and a joyful memory to your mind. Images like a groom seeing his bride walk down the aisle, flower girls softly scattering petals, a bride take her first steps as Mrs...
I love India and all the customs that encompass Indian tradition. Most of all I love the weddings and the joy, cheer, and family associated with them....so I hope that you enjoy Maharani....
I still can’t believe that my dream day turned into my dream job!
Wishing you love, laughter, and happily ever after…
Drop me a note : Hello@MaharaniWeddings.com
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